Remove in every calculation some digit to make the equation correct.
Sample puzzle for demonstration
Check the following calculation. The left side do not match the result on the right side.
Remove three digits from the left side in oder to fix the calculation and hit the result on the right. No operand can be removed completely at least on digit should be untouched.
20911 + 3 - 9)= 14
It is only possible to remove digit from the first operand, because the second and the last operand would be removed completly. Both have only one symbol. The solution is:
20___ + 3 - 9 = 14
Puzzle 1
5206 - 29 - 398 = -17
Solution for puzzle 1
5_0_ - 29 - 3_8 = -17
Puzzle 2
608 + 51 - 6910 = 59
Solution for puzzle 2
6_8 + 51 - 6__0 = 59
Puzzle 3
7213 - 32 - 931 = -40
Solution for puzzle 3
_2_3 - 32 - _31 = -40
Puzzle 4
24 - 74 - 1683 + 25 - 45 = -66
Solution for puzzle 4
24 - 7_ - _6_3 + 25 - 45 = -66
Puzzle 5
30 - 679 * 2 - 6473 = -191
Solution for puzzle 5
30 - _79 * 2 - 6__3 = -191