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Math Puzzle – Part 1

Math Puzzle

Puzzles provide a mental challenge that can be both enjoyable and rewarding. They require problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and critical thinking, which can help keep the mind sharp.Regularly engaging in puzzle-solving activities has been linked to various cognitive benefits, including improved memory, enhanced problem-solving skills, increased attention span, and better overall brain health.

What is a Math Puzzle?

A math calculation is cut into pieces and is scrambled. Can you find a way to put the parts together correctly, so that the calculation is visible and can be solved? Calculate the final result as last step.

The skill level to solve these exercises rises with the number of pices and the length of the equation.

Tips for easier solutions

  • Try to identify the first and last piece in the sequence.
  • Try to find operands or digits that have specific forms and find the right counter parts.
  • Look at the left and right borders of every piece: Sometimes only very little pixels of a neighbouring piece is visible.

Math Puzzles and calculations

Math Puzzle 1: Can you put the pieces together in the right way and calculate the correct result for the calculation?

Math Puzzle: Try to put the pieces in the right way together and solve the calculation.
The pieces of the first puzzle.
Solution for Puzzle 1
Math Puzzle: Solution
Solution Picture of Puzzle 1

The result of the calculation is: 32

Math Puzzle 2

Math Puzzle: Try to put the pieces in the right way together and solve the calculation.
The pieces of the second puzzle.

Solution for Puzzle 2
Math Puzzle: Solution
Puzzle Solution

The result of the calculation is: 122

Math Puzzle 3

Math Puzzle: Try to put the pieces in the right way together and solve the calculation.
The pieces of the third puzzle.

Solution for Puzzle 3
Math Puzzle: Solution
Puzzle Solution

The result of the calculation is: 30

Links to related brain puzzles

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